The terrorist, human and property rights molesting, ignorant, illegitimate the quasi-military edifice whose commandist approaches of illegitimate ruling, instead of leading through consensus, which is also a criminal enterprise that is a dismally failing, vile, self-enrichment fixated zanu pf, which attacks fundamental, and inviolable constitutional human and property rights, to remain in power is very much determined to ensure that the profession of teaching is abolished, the same way equality before impartial courts of law, rule by law, government legitimacy, accountability and transparency are abolished. For the record, the teaching profession referenced herein is number two on the list of thing that the vermin that is the illegitimate zanu pf hates, number one on the list being the renewed, resilient, innovative, legitimate opposition that is sensitive and responsive to the plight of the neglected welfare of the t terrorized, exploited, suffering masses, deprived of prompt, affordable, reliable service delivery of decent quality.

Partisan, politicized and militarized militant trade unions have mushroomed, that are claiming to be affiliated to illegitimate mnangagwa, that are terrorizing desperate, impoverished teachers, who are living in absolute squalor and destitution. In addition to terrorizing and abusing incapacitated teachers, the referenced mushrooming partisan, politicized militant trade unions, have been an unconstitutional counterweight to the position of other legal, legitimate trade unions, that have been fighting for better service conditions for the teachers, who are now demoralized to the extent of neglecting their duties, forced to do so by the insensitivity of the national security and sovereignty compromising, state paralyzing, state failure and collapse accelerating, terrorist, human and property rights molesting, ignorant, illegitimate the quasi-military edifice whose commandist approaches of illegitimate ruling, instead of leading through consensus, which is also a criminal enterprise that is a dismally failing, vile, self-enrichment fixated zanu pf, which attacks fundamental, and inviolable constitutional human and property rights, to remain in power
As it is, teachers are being forced to attend rallies for the above referenced criminal enterprise that is in the business of predatory exploitation of the country’s natural, and non-renewable finite resources, excluding all others except other pests and parasites, which explains their motivation to retain power illegitimately, for accumulation of ill gotten wealth, as a means to an end of unaccountable self-enrichment, that is not transparent, yet is attended by political illegitimacy in an authoritarian and tyrannical state.
Neglected, poor teachers, it should be appreciated, have the constitutional rights to choose whose party meeting they should attend, needs to be remunerated in a manner that reflects their service and dedication the nation. .