Blessed Mhlanga’s Arrest – The Regime’s War on Truth


The arrest and continued detention of journalist Blessed Mhlanga is yet another grim reminder of how far Zimbabwe’s ruling elite will go to silence those who expose the truth. Mhlanga, a respected journalist, now finds himself behind bars, accused of inciting violence—a charge frequently used to target those who dare to challenge the government’s narrative. His crime? Doing his job, reporting the truth, and giving a voice to the people.

The ruling regime has long treated free speech as a threat rather than a right. Over the years, journalists, opposition leaders, and activists have faced relentless persecution. The government does not want independent reporting; it wants silence. By jailing Mhlanga, they seek to send a chilling message to all those who dare to hold power to account. But what they fail to realize is that repression breeds resistance, and the truth cannot be imprisoned.

From his prison cell, Mhlanga has penned a powerful letter—one that should serve as a rallying call for every Zimbabwean. “Prison is meant to weaken you,” he writes, “but it has only strengthened my resolve.” These are not the words of a broken man but of someone who understands that his suffering is part of a greater battle for press freedom and democracy. His words echo the pain of every Zimbabwean who has been silenced, arrested, or beaten for speaking out against a system that thrives on fear and control.

Mhlanga’s arrest is not an isolated incident. It is part of a broader campaign to crush dissent, especially as Zimbabwe’s economic crisis deepens and discontent grows. When a government has no solutions for the suffering of its people, it resorts to repression. It arrests journalists instead of addressing corruption, mismanagement, and the economic collapse it has caused. The regime knows that the truth is dangerous to its survival, which is why it goes to such lengths to suppress it.

Journalism is not a crime, yet in Zimbabwe, it is treated as one. A free press is a cornerstone of any democracy, yet in Zimbabwe, it is under siege. Those in power believe that by jailing journalists, they can control the narrative, but they are wrong. The arrest of Mhlanga has only drawn more attention to their oppressive tactics. It has sparked outrage and strengthened the resolve of those who believe in a free and democratic Zimbabwe.

This is not just about Mhlanga. It is about every Zimbabwean’s right to access information, to hear the truth, and to speak without fear of persecution. If the government is allowed to continue its assault on press freedom, who will be next? Today it is Mhlanga, tomorrow it could be another journalist, an activist, or any citizen who dares to demand accountability. The people of Zimbabwe cannot afford to stay silent.

The world must not turn a blind eye to this injustice. Every Zimbabwean, every journalist, and every defender of human rights must speak out. The fight for Mhlanga’s freedom is the fight for Zimbabwe’s future. Those in power must know that their time of silencing dissent with impunity is coming to an end. The voices of the oppressed will not be drowned out. The truth will not be buried.

Mhlanga must be freed immediately and unconditionally. Zimbabweans must continue to demand justice, expose state brutality, and resist the criminalization of free speech. The fight for a free press is a fight for democracy itself. We must not rest until those who have hijacked our country’s future are held accountable. We must stand together and declare with one voice: Free Blessed Mhlanga. Free the press. Free Zimbabwe.

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